How’s the River Holding Up? Are there caddis yet? We get asked this a lot. Every year about this time at the end of April going into early May, we all want to know if we’re going to be the lucky one and hit the lottery. A fishable Yellowstone river, caddis blowing up all over, and trout recklessly in a feeding frenzy… Is it now? Not quite. The Magic 8-ball said “Try again later”….. Are we going to see everything align and have a window? Yes, possibly. If you’re wanting to go, suggest you do so soon. At least for the water conditions part…. Are we seeing caddis?? No. Anything?? There’s still a smattering of Baetis most days, even in the bright sun, though they trickle off rather than show up in a concentrated good hatch and the cycle is a little hit or miss, short in duration. But fish are looking for the blue wings. March Browns have been a smattering at best so far. We typically see a couple really good days on these larger mayflies before the caddis blow up. We have not seen the MB’s en force. Yet….. And the caddis have been mostly what we’d consider as “preemies” – a few. Definitely not a mass hatch by any means. Are we going to see the caddis soon?? That is likely a yes, but Ma Nature is putting the squeeze on the river conditions. 2 days ago at the same spot the river was Good Green with 2 feet visibility. Today’s (pic shot from virtually the same place), river is significantly higher and the water clarity is really starting to go. Realistically, less than 16″. Rocks on the left that have water behind them were completely out in the dry even just yesterday.. Taking a peek at the USGS graph for Corwin as of mid-AM today, the river has more than doubled. Not really all that shocking as the 3 days of near 70 degree weather will do that. Today’s 80 degrees will put further jumps of murkiness on top of that which is coming down the pike. Of note this morning- the first large woody debris floating down the river was spotted… So do you make the dash over to get in a float? Or do you wait to see if there will be another window?? Choice is yours. Just don’t think that the winning lottery ticket has surfaced…..
If you go, here’s what has been working: FB PTs sizes 12-18, CDC FB PT 12-18, Jigged PT 12-18, BH Prince 12-16, Fly Formerly Known as Prince (FFKP) same 12-16, BH Hare’s Ear natural sz 12-16, Lafontaine’s Sparkle Pupa olive or bright green sz 14-16, Super Pupa olive sz 14-16, Soft Hackle peacock 14-16, Pat’s Rubberlegs olive, coffee/black sz 6-10, Thin Mint sz 6, Jig Bugger olive, black sz 10, Bow River Buggers whiteface/dark olive sz 4-6, Coffee Sparkle Minnow sculpin sz 4, Stinger Bugger black sz 4, Delekta’s Screamer black or olive sz 4, Craven’s Swim Coach dark sz 4. Fishing dries: Para Adams 12-18, Purple Haze 12-18, Olive Haze 14-18, H&L Variant 12, Ausable Wulff 12, Dennis’ Parawulff Olive 16-18, Royal Wulff 14-16, small chubbies olive or royal, PMX peacock, olive, royal sz 14.
The fly shop is moving to extended hours for the rest of the spring months. Now open 7-days a week 8:30-5:30. We have a ton of new stock in for the season. Drop in and see us!