The spring creeks continue to be a great location to fish under almost any circumstances at this time. Good numbers of fish have been coming into the creeks from the main river both to spawn (rainbows) as well as eat spawn (browns) or just hang out a bit well in front of their own spawning run (Cutties). All are going to be feeding on the spring creeks bug life. We continue to see good midge activity as well as growing Baetis (blue wing olive mayflies) activity. These are the primary insect hatches all springtime long. Always present are scuds, sow bugs, annelids, as well as small minnows as well as the the egg spawn from the multitude of rainbows on their redds throughout all 3 of the spring creeks.
A note once again about the spawn, the redds, and the creeks- whether you are one to believe some of the reported findings or not, for this I’m talking about not walking through the spawning areas (redds) for belief that wading crushes the eggs and otherwise disturbs the area, might it not just make sense to leave procreating fish alone? Would you want someone standing in your bedroom? Didn’t think so…. There’s lots of space on the spring creeks. Maybe you don’t need to fish to fish that are only getting this one time of year to “do their thing”. Steer clear of the shallow fast running, highly oxygenated clean looking gravel beds that have fish scurrying off when you approach. Instead look for fish in the deep buckets early in the day and once the hatch starts and fish are up feeding, find those that are active on top and target them with small well presented dry flies!
Patterns to try:
Nymphs: Midge pupa, midge larva, baetis mayfly nymphs, scuds, sowbugs, cress bugs, small flossy san juans, caddis pupa
Dries: midge emergers and adults, baetis mayfly emergers, adult duns, some spinners too.
Streamers: leeches, small minnow patterns
Hatch activity has been decently good in the mornings with midges. Midges will re-appear in the late afternoons, early evenings as well. The baetis mayflies are best on the more overcast days. Yes, it’s quite good on the days that it either snows/rains or threatens to! Bright sunny days- well, they’re awfully nice for soaking in Vitamin D after a long winter, but the trout don’t care as much for that harsh brightness. Bug life seems to be light too… Trade offs! I’ll take the nasty days thank you.