Folks been asking. Here’s seeing! Yes, that’s Emigrant peak in the background. Isn’t it looking cool with all that snow? Oh- you want to know about the caddis. Well, they’re right here. And down valley all the way to and below Livingston. Today it hit 70 degrees by the thermometer outside the fly shop. That’d explain why things are blowing up with the caddis. Is it going to last? Not as long as we’d like. This spring caddis thing is one that will drive you crazy trying to guess when and where, but one thing is sure, when it hits 70 and in 2 days from now it’s supposed to be almost 80….. yeah, you can pretty well guess that the river is going to blow out with runoff. It can’t, not…. Get your frolicking in now! Photo credit to our good friend, Dave McKee of Dave McKee Fly Fishing Outfitters.